You know that huge list of bookmarks you've got stored on your computer? All those links to tutorials and inspiring techniques that you'll "try someday"? The list that is way easier to add to than to go back and use?
Of course you know that list.
We all have that list.
Last week, I actually picked something on my list, watched all sixteen videos on the tutorial page, and then (lo and behold) sat down to do some work!
And just like that, I seemed to have snapped out of my months-long art funk. I devoted most of my weekend to art, and came away with 20 collages over a 3 day period.
And maybe, just maybe, this will also get me out of my blogging funk since I have such a back-log of things to share.
Today I share this.
Inspired by the fabulous collage art of Laura Lein-Svencer and the techniques she generously shares on her tutorials page.